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Notable’s Best of 2013: Vancouver

Since the year deserves a proper farewell, we’ve rounded up the Best of Notable 2013 for you to have a look back at the year that was. We’re talkin’ the city’s top bars, lounges, restaurants and events all in one, concise end-of-year package

Notable’s Best of 2013: Calgary

Since the year deserves a proper farewell, we’ve rounded up the Best of Notable 2013 for you to have a look back at the year that was. Don’t linger in the past too long, though, ’cause we can’t wait to start turning 2014 into our most memorable year yet! And we hope you’ll be right there with us making it happen

JP Fusion: Experience Lounge

Pour plusieurs d’entre nous, l’époque des soirées trop agitées, de se-faire-bousculer-et-de-renverser-son-verre dans des clubs bondés, est maintenant chose du passé et ne survient qu’à quelques occasions spéciales. Nous optons plutôt pour des expériences lounges, que ce soit pour un souper avec un client, un tête â tête, pour débuter ou terminer une soirée en ville

YP Fusion: Where to Lounge

For many of us, the days of bustling, getting-bumped-into-and-spilling-your-drink, rowdy clubs are reserved for a select few “calculated” occasions. Instead, we opt for more of a lounge experience – either for a client dinner, date, or to begin or end a night on the town