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How to Get in the Best Shape of Your Life in 2015

After that holiday streak, you probably need more than a few reindeer to get you up a flight of stairs. It’s OK – it happens to the best of us. Egg nog is delicious, and one thing we simply cannot abide is a surplus of cookies. But it’s not about how you pack it in; it’s about how you burn it off

Urban Lifestyle Store ITEM Opens its Doors

It’s officially fall in Montreal, so there’s no better time to spruce up your home and warm it up for the winter season ahead. That’s where ITEM comes in, an exciting new concept store offering everything from furniture to art pieces

Here’s How and Where to Get Healthy in Calgary

The last thing we want to do is talk poorly about the good times of summer, but it’s during these months that we always manage to let our routine and good habits slide. To help you get inspired and rejuvenated, we’ve put together a shortlist of great ways to get back on track and ditch that lacklustre feeling that comes with overindulging

Embrace a More European Lifestyle This Summer

We’re always in search of ways to help YPs find balance within their busy professional, social, and philanthropic lives, and what better way than to look East at those living that balance oh-so-well? If you want to inject some more relaxation and satisfaction into your life, check out these four ways of embracing a more Euro lifestyle this summer season

7 Reasons to Bring Back Rollerblading

Over the past week, we saw something that offered a glimmer of hope and excitement for the summer ahead: three different people on Rollerblades. Here are seven reasons why we should bring it back in a big way