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Your Lifestyle Choices Can Genetically Affect Your Kids

Well, these findings are sure to fuel the whole nature vs. nurture debate. Scientists at the University of Cambridge have found that genetic faults caused by trauma, poor lifestyle, or environmental stress can be passed down to future generations. While the same genes are passed down through generations, the scientists

11 Ways to Hide a Messy Lifestyle

Human beings aren’t neat by nature; there’s a skill to becoming a “neat freak.” The truth is, we accumulate a lot of stuff over time that we’re just not ready to part with – and it quickly fills our small urban living spaces. Here are 11 ways to hide a messy lifestyle

A New Study Suggests Being a Free Spirit Has Health Benefits

Apparently being a free spirit has its health benefits. A recent study by the University of California, Berkeley revealed that positive feelings of awe and wonder might also have a positive effect on your body. You just have to be able to get lost in a moment for this to happen