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Canadians Are Currently Hoarding a Record $75 Billion in Cash

Canadians are cuckoo for cash. According to a new report from CIBC, we’re stacking a record $75 billion in Sir Robert Bordens under our metaphorical mattresses. This collective hoarding of cash reserves could end up costing Canadians billions in lost investment returns according to CIBC, which would be more than happy to

WSJ Study Says Companies Run by Women Outperform Those Run By Men

To invest wisely requires vast knowledge of the complex structures that govern finance, free markets, and opportune timing. But all those complexities aside, apparently there’s one thing everyone can do to increase the chance of seeing a positive return on their money: invest in stocks of companies with female leadership. A recent

5 Non Finance Books That Will Make You a Better Investor

Learning to invest can be overwhelming, to say the least – especially for those without business degrees. So we turned to Toronto young professionals (YPs) Matthew Castel and Peter Mantas of Logos LP for a little digestible insight when it comes to understanding where to put our money

Brittney Kuczynski: Today’s Notable Young Professional

Today’s Notable Young Professional is Brittney Kuczynski, whose day-to-day defines living the 360-degree lifestyle. On top of working in Institutional Equity Sales at a top-tier investment dealer in Toronto, she also spearheads two significant fundraising platforms and is a major supporter of Canadian fashion talent