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Kevin O’Leary Says the Only Successful Companies He Invests In are Run by Female CEOs

Contentious investor Kevin O'Leary says he doesn't have a single company (of the 27 he invests in) that is being run by a man right now that's outperforming the ones run by women

Antagonistic dragon-shark Kevin O’Leary invests in 27 companies. 

And of those 27 companies, only the ones helmed by female CEOs are making money. 

“All the cash in the last two quarters is coming from companies run by women,” he told Business Insider, who hasn’t been shy to praise female CEOs in the past. “We should be elevating women to the CEO position because we’re getting better returns. You don’t need another reason in business. In my case, the numbers speak for themselves.”

His portfolio is split about 50-50 by CEO gender.

O’Leary made the discovery when he asked his staff to find what all successful companies in his portfolio, which range from food businesses, to manufacturing, to biotech, had in common.
As for his reasoning behind the revelation: perhaps women are superior multitaskers, an essential skill for the types of companies he invests in. 

“These are midrange companies in the sales range of five to 10 million dollars, so multitasking could be very important. Large corporations are a different thing.”

So in the words of a female CEO O’Leary recently spoke to, ‘if you want to get something done, give it to a busy mom’.

Not to rain on the parade, but keep in mind that all this is based on O’Leary says science.

After all, a big part of successful business is talking the talk. We stand behind the idea compeletly, we just hope O’Leary is actually basing it on fact. 

Check out more seasoned business advice from O’Leary in this candid interview he did with us from a few years back. 


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