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Your Smarter Older Sibling is the Reason You’re Doing Well

Finally, there’s confirmation that something good came from having an annoyingly smart older brother or sister. A new study by researchers at The University of Essex and University of York reveals that your smart older brother or sister may be a contributing factor to your success

11 habitudes qui vous feront paraître brillant instantanément

Nous ne nous serions pas rendus si loin si nous n’avions pas un certain degré d’intelligence. Mais la société déborde de tout genre d’intelligences et de gens qui sont constamment à entreprendre des choses nouvelles et innovatrices. Alors, s’il existe un moment où il est impérial de se démarquer de la meute, et bien, c’est maintenant. Alors, voici 11 habitudes qui vous feront paraître plus brillant

11 Habits That Instantly Make Young Professionals Look Smarter

We wouldn’t have made it this far if we didn’t have at least some degree of intelligence. But our cities are full of all kinds of intelligence and people are constantly doing new and amazing things. So if there’s ever a time to set yourself out from the rest, it’s right now. Here are 11 things to make you look smart

Pick Up a Newspaper Once in a While

For some, ignorance may be bliss; but for young professionals (YPs), not knowing what’s going on in the world can be professionally damaging, personally impeding, not to mention socially embarrassing