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6 Stunning Film Locations To Visit For Die Hard Game of Thrones Fans

For the very last time…Winter is Coming. To commemorate the final season of the most significant pop culture phenomenon of the decade, one of the most successful TV series of all time, Game of Thrones, Travelzoo has assembled a list of the most stunning film locations of the series –

Deep Breath: The Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer is Here

“He’s gone.” So speak the first words in the HBO red band trailer for Game of Thrones season 6 as the camera hovers above Jon Snow’s lifeless body still lying in the cold, blood-filled snow where we last left him. (But will it be the last time we see him?!) Enter James

All Men Must Act: Game of Thrones is Now Holding Open Auditions for Season 6

Remember how much The Red Wedding destroyed you? Well, this little piece of news should make up for it – you could soon be starring alongside Tyrion, Daenerys, and (possibly) Jon Snow. The incredibly popular show is seeking actors between the ages of 25-40 for mostly background work (aka extras) between