Remember how much The Red Wedding destroyed you?
Well, this little piece of news should make up for it – you could soon be starring alongside Tyrion, Daenerys, and (possibly) Jon Snow.
The incredibly popular show is seeking actors between the ages of 25-40 for mostly background work (aka extras) between July 19-22. The best part? Shooting will take place on a beach in Valencia. Spanish sojourn, anyone?
Of course, the show is also holding auditions in London for principal acting, including both starring and reoccurring roles. Though you’re going to need a proper agent and experience to get you into the room.
Either way, if you’ve always dreamed of calling The Red Keep home, visiting Winterfell, or kissing The King Slayer, this might be your one and only chance. How knows, if the God of Light is on your side you may even catch a bigger break than Bran.
Just be careful what you ask for, “Sitting a throne is a thousand times harder than winning one.”