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Work Hard, Play Hard: This Desk Turns into a Fully-Stocked Bar

Who says you have to choose between having a bar or a desk in your tiny condo? Jonathan Odom, a designer from the Instructables Design Studio in San Francisco has designed the perfect solution to help your “work hard, play hard” cause. It’s called the Transforming Bar Desk. The piece

You Can Now Build Furniture for Your Home With Adult Lego Blocks

Talk about a total #TBF. That’s throwback Friday, if you didn’t know. Our favourite block toy company, LEGO, has grown up and become an adult thanks to New York company EverBlock by creating a modular block system with pieces wide enough to build life-sized furniture. [ad_bb1] The best part? It actually

Martin Byers: Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur

Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur is furniture craftsman Martin Byers, who launched as an outlet to showcase and sell his high-quality custom designs. We caught up with him to find out what inspired his career and what advice he would share with other young entrepreneurs… WORK 1. Describe what you do in

There is a Cool New Way to Shop for Your Toronto Apartment

There’s a new way to go apartment shopping in Toronto – and it involves entering a different apartment. Yes, say goodbye to Ikea, CB2 and Design Republic – and say hello to 800 SQ FT. This new shoppable apartment idea popped up as a way to help the many of us