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9 Things Canada Could Learn From Scandinavia

Sweden recently announced that every 16-year-old will receive a copy of ‘We Should All Be Feminists’. And while we’re hardly surprised to see such forward thinking from the Scandinavians, who consistently top the polls for the happiest and healthiest humans on the planet, it does beg the question – what’s

9 Awesome Cultural Habits to Pick Up on Your Travels

Topdeck Travel is a youth travel company with a passion for creating grand adventures and life-long memories.  We’ve all been there. You’re strolling down the street texting a friend when you accidentally stumble into an innocent bystander. Just as you start to apologize, the unsuspecting stranger beats you to it! Seems

Watch What Happens When an HIV-Positive Man Asks Strangers to Touch Him

In February, a Muslim man stood in Toronto and asked for a hug – and the video left most people teary-eyed. Well, now a Finnish man named Janne stood in a public square with a sign that let people know he is HIV-positive. The sign also read, ‘touch me!’ What happens next is

The Sticky Note Gets Reinvented for Our Modern Age

A start-up out of Finland has reinvented the sticky note as we know it – and the idea is starting to stick in a major way. The company is now scrambling to meet the massive demand for Magnetic, a sticky note that is static-charged and works like a whiteboard

Finnish Students Will No Longer Learn Subjects in School

Finland is getting rid of subjects in schools, which would seem like a crazy idea if it weren’t for the fact that the country has one of the best education systems in the world. We certainly trust their judgment on this one – here’s why