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It’s Going to Get Considerably More Expensive to Eat in 2018

Bad news for humans in Canada in 2018: food is about to get more expensive. According to the latest Food Price Report by researchers at Dalhousie University and the University of Guelph, everything from avocados to bread to dining at your local hot spot is going to cost a pretty

Coal for Christmas? Canadians Lead the World in Household Debt

Canada just ranked #1 in a metric we’d probably love to forget. Or pass onto our children. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Canadians carry more consumer debt than citizens of any other country in the world. It’s a pretty alarming figure: our household credit burden now

It’s Official: Ontario Approves $15/Hour Minimum Wage

Good news for Ontario’s bottom-earners: minimum wage will rise to $15 an hour on January 1, 2019. The decision comes as part of the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, which was passed by a vote of 67-26 at Queen’s Park yesterday evening. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne tweeted the news shortly after

Millennials: Should we be Spending Now or Investing for the Future?

Whilst mindlessly scanning through my Instagram feed yesterday, my eyes settled on a meme that read: “Do you ever wonder if the bank just looks through your account and thinks, what the hell is this person doing?” I burst out laughing, quickly taking a screenshot to send to my friends.

Cocktails, Financial Literacy and a Power Packed Panel

Tangerine presents, You’d Look Good in Orange, powered by Notable Life In our ever-moving lives of deadlines, constant stimulation, wining and dining, there are so many things more exciting than learning about finances (are we right?). The good news is that becoming more financially literate and well versed can come