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English City Becomes First to Open ‘Fast-Walking’ Lanes on Sidewalks

Sidewalk rage is all too real. And like road rage, there’s often nothing you can do about it. In the English city of Liverpool, however, one store has taken it upon itself to introduce a new frontier in urban planning as a measure to combat disruptors of optimal pedestrian flow: fast-walking sidewalk lanes.

Cereal-Hating Anti-Gentrification Protesters Attack London Café

Admit it, you’ve sat around with some pals at least once and schemed about this insane concept where, like, people go to this place that only serves cereal. Then you thought better of it a few minutes later and the idea never materialized. Well, two entrepreneurial Irish brothers actually followed through

This New Housing Model Could Alleviate London’s Homelessness Issue

People are getting a lot more creative when it comes to housing some of the most vulnerable. Case in point: London, England. Homelessness is on the rise in London, but a new housing model could soon alleviate the problem. [ad_bb1] It isn’t cheap to live in London, even if you

9 Awesome Cultural Habits to Pick Up on Your Travels

Topdeck Travel is a youth travel company with a passion for creating grand adventures and life-long memories.  We’ve all been there. You’re strolling down the street texting a friend when you accidentally stumble into an innocent bystander. Just as you start to apologize, the unsuspecting stranger beats you to it! Seems

There’s an Innovative New Design Concept to House London’s Homeless

From recycled shipping containers to out-of-service city buses in Hawaii, North America keeps getting more innovative when it comes to housing the most disadvantaged. Now, fresh from London, there’s a new concept to hit our radar – and they’re called “parasitic sleeping pods.” Once you get over the whole “parasitic”