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Fit For an Exit: Meghan Markle is Looking Out for Her Family

You’d have to be living under a rock to not know that Harry and Meghan have left Britain, years of Royal family tradition, and their days of not wearing jeans behind. When we boil it right down to the basics, Meghan is a wife, a businesswoman, a mogul in her

This London Bus Turns Into a Spin Studio on Your Way to Work

London commuters are about to get sweaty. Gym company 1Rebel plans to launch Ride2Rebel later this year with several routes across London, pimping out buses out with spin bikes, mirrors, tinted windows, pumping music, nightclub-worthy lighting, and of course an instructor to spin you into shape. What’s the deal with

10 Breathtaking Places to Go in England That Aren’t London

When you think of England, what springs to mind first? Tea and crumpets. Correct. But chances are, it’s very closely followed by London. It’s undeniable that England’s capital, with its unmistakable landmarks like Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, and Buckingham Palace, is a tourist wonderland that everyone should visit