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Sex Talk, With Millennials: Part I

Let’s talk about sex. I mean, let’s really talk about it. Millennials and sex are two discussion points that seem to go hand in hand, after all. We are, if anything, a generation seemingly famed (or shamed) for a cultural embrace of casual sex, bar-borne encounters and the onslaught of Tinder/Bumble dates

Millennial Love: What Makes Us Compatible?

Compatibility is a funny thing — we are all aware of its relevance in accordance to our romantic endeavours, but we all likely attach a different definition to it. Quite frankly, compatibility is complicated, and so are we. Personally, I’ve dated men who I felt I was incredibly compatible with, but

Is it Time for Women to Start Proposing to Men?

When it comes to marriage, we’ve moved happily away from traditional gender roles. A woman’s place is no longer in the kitchen; rather, it’s wherever she wants it to be (thank you very much). A lot of women unapologetically keep their last names rather than take their husband’s. Many men

6 Reasons to Ditch your Current Dating App for the Inner Circle

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again — modern dating can be… well, complicated. Much like Netflix and Uber Eats, we tend to have a lot of choice at our fingertips. Not to say this is a bad thing; after all, we are a generation of career-driven millennials

These Are the Worst Things to Do on a First Date, According to Millennials

Let’s be frank — dating in 2018 can be… well, complicated. We’re swiping left and right, sliding into DMs, hooking up, breaking up, ‘almost’ dating, keeping things casual, ghosting; whatever the new trend or terminology might be, our culture has granted it an opportunity to affect the millennial masses (for better