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Politicians declare the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny “Essential Workers”

There are about a million debates raging right now about how to handle the coronavirus. Is widespread lockdown the right call or should we consider a herd immunity approach? Can coffee filters be appropriated as surgical masks? (No.) What should be considered “essential” work? When it comes to the latter,

Canada’s food industry needs us and the government more than ever

Many experts say it will take months and perhaps even years to understand the full impact of COVID-19. Well, early numbers are in – and they’re not good. Especially for the food industry. Restaurants Canada, a not-for-profit association representing the country’s foodservice industry, has published a survey that paints a

4 in 5 Canadians want non-social distancers to be arrested

As Canada closes in on 10,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases, Canadians are getting serious about their personal space. According to a recent poll, 97 per cent of the population practices social distancing. That’s more than are frequently washing their hands (95 per cent), only leaving the house for essentials (94 per

Pornhub offering free premium memberships to fight COVID-19

We’re all trying to do our best, in our own small but collectively significant ways, to cope with an unprecedented situation. For most people, that means simply staying at home and avoiding social contact. For many companies, it means pivoting to digital services, Zoom meetups, and delivery. Montreal-based Pornhub is

Canadian cannabis company wants to see if weed helps coronavirus symptoms

Yesterday we talked about how businesses are shifting to #coronamode. Namely, that Pornhub is offering free memberships to help flatten the curve.  Now, even weed companies are reacting to the pandemic.  According to a press release, the online cannabis marketplace Cannalogue is preparing Covid-19 drug testing. That means assessing if