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This July was the Earth’s Hottest Month on Record. Ever.

If you’re not of the 90 per cent of the world who believe that global warning is a real thing, we have more proof for you that it is. According to US officials, July was the Earth’s hottest month on record – and it pretty much smashed old records. July’s

Bill Nye the Science Guy Explains Climate Change With Emoji

Now that most of the world has finally acknowledged global warming is a real thing, it’s time we become well-versed in talking about it. But these days, “well-versed” can mean a few things. That’s why Bill Nye the Science Guy explains climate change in language we can all understand – the

UN Poll Shows 90% of the World Agrees Man-Made Climate Change is Real

If you still don’t think that climate change is a ‘thing,’ you’re among a very small fraction of the world. Things like political campaigns, propaganda, denial, and ignorance have some convinced that the whole thing is a made-up phenomenon. Now, it’s not just the scientific facts and evidence of global