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The Married Man and Women’s Intuition

He sat two bar stools away while I killed time between an afternoon media event and an evening holiday party. It was in a bar/restaurant where I am friendly with some of the staff and, on this particular day, was in a passionate discussion with both the bartender and the waitress. A mutual friend had discovered that the guy she had been sleeping with was married

What Do You Have to Say For Yourself? Excuses for Cheating

Let’s be honest. Cheating happens all the time in our cities, with the initial seeds of adultery planted everywhere from at the office to the gym or on the Thursday après-work scene. Some stray because they are unhappy or unfulfilled in their relationships, others for no other reason than instant gratification or to fuel their ego. Whatever the case, cheating is cheating. Here are the top excuses to cheating and why they are bogus altogether