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Notable Poll: Toronto’s Best East Side Bar Patio

As Spring slowly rolls in, patios in the Big Smoke are starting to light up. And while we know and love our extensive selection of sunny saloons, we want to know which one you think is the jewel of the East

Notable Poll: What’s the Best Patio in Montreal?

From daytime outdoor party spots on the Main to fancier affairs on Old Montreal rooftops, patio season is almost here and it can’t come soon enough. So take a minute, read over our list of patios, and chime in on your favourite outdoor hotspot

Starbucks Canada to Begin Offering Beer, Wine, and Tapas

Tired of not being able to sip on some vino rather than a venti at your local Starbucks? Well, thanks to an ambitious new plan from Starbucks Canada you won’t have to wait long to see your barista turn into a full fledged bartender

You Can Now Dine and Dash in Montreal with New Tab App

Waiting for the bills in restaurants is a pain, right? And splitting bills with friends is even worse. Well, that’s where Tab comes in. This new app brings an innovative and extremely efficient way to pick up your tab through mobile payments. Welcome to the new era of dining out