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You Can Now Open an RBC Account From Literally Anywhere

This is post is sponsored by RBC. In a year where everything is going digital, banking is no exception. With RBC’s Remote Account Open experience, you can open a personal or business account online from anywhere, anytime. Seriously – you can even open an account from your couch while you

Making the Most of Your Financial Future with Brim Financial CEO Rasha Katabi

As millennials living in the technology age, we’re inundated with targeted ads for products and services that leave us wondering which institution truthfully has our best interests in mind.   Many of us have also been grandfathered into a financial institution by our parents or guardians, like when I got my

Digital FinTech & Credit Card Issuer Woos Canadians

Living in Canada, we often hear complaints about industries that need a shake-up. Airlines, Telecoms, and credit card companies are a few that seem to lack innovation, leaving the consumer to pay the price. Corporations walk a fine line between creating bigger profit margins, while also creating services that actually

My Money, My Story

This article originally appeared on To read the full story, click here.  When it comes to money, I’m not going to lie – I haven’t always been the most frugal or financially conscious. I certainly don’t splurge on the daily, but I do get swayed by an enticing promotional

The Secret is Out, Find Out How You Can Grow Your Money Today

This article originally appeared on To read the full article click here.  We all have a money story that we often don’t think about. Whether it’s a parent who helped you start a TFSA before you understood what that acronym meant or a grandparent who took half of your