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Why We Won’t Jump on the BBM Bandwagon

Some of us (OK, maybe one or two) on the team remain loyal BlackBerry users. The iPhone, while shiny, new, app-friendly and cool, didn’t allow us the freedom to type emails and articles so readily on the go like we used to/need to as writers. We needed the keyboard. So we switched back. Here’s why we didn’t switch back to BBM, though, and why we will resist the jumping back on the bandwagon

BBM Available Now on iPhone and Android

Young professionals used it like a bad habit. Perhaps you were amongst them, perhaps not. We won’t judge either way. But we will say this: Welcome back to BBM. We’re happy you could make it

Card2Contact Brings Business Cards to the Mobile Age

In the age of LinkedIn, Facebook and even Twitter, many of us are opting for increasingly effective electronic means of contact. Card2Contact is an Android application that’s designed to cleverly bridge both physical and digital worlds by seamlessly integrating physical business cards into an eminently more useful digital scenario

Hot Shop: Practical Apps for Young Professionals

The app market for iPhone and other smartphones seems to be overflowing with new products almost daily. It’s hard to know just which apps we shouldn’t be living without, and which aren’t even worth the free download. So we’ve made up a list of some of the most practical apps, especially for young professionals, that we use and love on a regular basis

RIM Scraps Idea of Licensing Out BBM to iOS and Android

There has always been the lingering question if the famed proprietary, secure, and most of all fast, BlackBerry messaging system would ever see the UI of a different OS eco-system. A recent source has recently confirmed that it will not happen, prompting questions over BBM’s general relevance with a plethora of free messaging apps currently available on other platforms