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Hot Shop: Practical Apps for Young Professionals

The app market for iPhone and other smartphones seems to be overflowing with new products almost daily. It’s hard to know just which apps we shouldn’t be living without, and which aren’t even worth the free download. So we’ve made up a list of some of the most practical apps, especially for young professionals, that we use and love on a regular basis

The app market for iPhone and other smartphones seems to be overflowing with new products almost daily. It’s hard to know just which apps we shouldn’t be living without, and which aren’t even worth the free download. So we’ve made up a list of some of the most practical apps, especially for young professionals, that we use and love on a regular basis:

1. Songza: at first, this simple music streaming app may seem like just one of the many, but once you start using it, Songza literally becomes life changing. If you are sick of seeking out and buying iTunes, going through the trouble of downloading and transferring, and doing it all over again each and every time you get sick of your current playlist, then Songza is made for you. Additionally, instead of the typical playlists based on genres and artists, Songza offers professionally mixed music lineups based on each unique moment of your day. Need a little help getting out of bed in the morning? Looking for a new workout mix? In search of the perfect tunes for your girls night out? Or in the mood to relive your first high school dance? Songza has themed playlists to satisfy your every need, mood, activity, or whim…for free!

2. TurboScan: This app is definitely one that falls under the category of “why didn’t we think of that?” The need for a scanner, fax machine, even a printer, is nearly non-existent thanks to this inexpensive little app. TurboScan utilizes your device’s camera to take a picture of a document, which it then turns into a PDF or JPEG, all ready for emailing. A handheld scanner: simply brilliant.

3. AroundMe: If you are young professional always on the go, navigating big cities, traveling to different countries, then you will surely wonder how you ever survived without AroundMe. Whether you are in need of a conference center or a tapas bar, an ATM or a taxi, a hospital or a burrito, AroundMe can find whatever you need within your current vicinity. The app shows you the options on an interactive map (in English, even in foreign countries) and can give you directions to get there from your current location. AroundMe is like a POI GPS/ Google combo, right in the palm of your hand.

4. GymPact: This app was launched January 1st of this year (of course), and while the concept did seem ingenious in theory, many were skeptical that it could actually work, or if it was just another New Year’s fad. Well, we now know it works! GymPact serves as a form of motivation to get you to hit the gym (the motivation being cash!). Each Sunday you set a goal of how many days of the following week that you plan to hit the gym. You then set an amount of money (using your credit card) that you essentially use to bet that you will actually go. Using GPS you check in each time you arrive at the gym, getting paid when you go (via PayPal), and paying up when you skip. If you need that extra incentive in order to commit to your workout plan, make a GymPact and get going!

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