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Student Fools Internet With Viral Heartstring-Tugging Holiday Ad

Each year across the pond, John Lewis – a UK-based department store – succeeds in making the nation cry with their heartstring-tugging holiday ads.

When the beloved and much-anticipated holiday ad airs, it pretty much marks the unofficial start to the festive season.

Now, one student deserves a big fat A+ for his ultimate tribute to the iconic commercials by fooling everyone with his own ad that was part of a media course.


And Nick Jablonka’s version is just as tear-jerking as the originals (in fact, if it doesn’t choke you up, you may not have a heart).

The ad went viral over the weekend, being shared by thousands who had been tricked into thinking the annual John Lewis ad had hit airwaves.

It didn’t help that Jablonka’s project is called John Lewis Christmas Advert 2016. It was actually uploaded back in June as part of Jablonka’s coursework.


With the holiday season now just weeks away, the film has now been viewed over half a million times.

It’s a story of love kept apart by distance – and it stars an animated snowman and a snowwoman. Keeping the pair from uniting in passionate love is the obstacle of a snow globe.

The snowman is trapped inside of the snow globe while his love, the snowwoman, is outside in the snow. On the other side of the snow-filled glass, the snowman reflects upon the moments they shared and wonders if they will ever be reunited again.

Check it out for yourself to find out their fate and to see why the ad – like this powerful one from last year did – has everyone reaching for a tissue:

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