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One Simple Persuasion Tactic To Get What You Want Sold Through

Here’s a persuasion tactic that you can use instantly. With this simple piece of language, you’ll be able to reopen your line of persuasion after being closed out and get what you want.

Persuasion skills are extremely important for sales and marketing professionals. Millennial sales professionals are paid not only to interact with potential customers but also motivate them to invest in organization’s products and services. Overall performance of marketing and sales professionals is measured by the number of clients they could tap for their company.

Persuasion skills help a marketing and sales professional to actually win over the hearts of clients who not only become their loyal customers but also bring in more clients along with them. But what if your prospects and sales leads are constantly saying ‘no’ — how do you flip the script?

This persuasion hack is designed to deal with those who will shut you and your ideas down through reflex.

Here’s the way to get a fair hearing for your proposal: The ‘But’ Flip

One of the most common ways to shut someone down is to use the word ‘but’.

Some examples:

“Your proposal is good, but we just don’t have the resources”
“I do want to buy a Porsche from you, but you don’t have it in pink”
The word ‘but’ seems to reject everything that came before it. Ouch.

The obvious next step after delivering these bombshells is for them to walk away. Proposal ignored, sale not made. Misery.

Or you could use the following tactic to re-open the interaction:

Reverse the sequence of what comes before and after the ‘but’.

In our examples:

“We don’t have the resources, but you agree the proposal is good, so can we look at alternative ways of making it happen?”
“We don’t have it in pink, but you do want to buy a Porsche from us, so if you pick out the model you want, I’ll speak to the re-sprayers…”

Suddenly we’re back in business and can get a second (or even a third or fourth) go at persuading them. This approach allows you to re-focus on what’s important (by flipping the ‘but’) and then you can keep negotiating until you get a win-win.

Test it out for yourself – simple, effective persuasive.

This email originally appeared on Quora

Rebecca Perrin

Rebecca Perrin is Notable Life's Content Director and a writer who covers career, marketing, brand strategy and leadership. Rebecca's lifelong career goal is comprised of two equal goals: to never try to be normal and to always raise the profile of women in leadership.