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On Repeat: Watch This Dad Get Glitter Bombed

The internet was delighted last week when news of a mail-your-enemies-glitter service spread like wildfire. Then the creator panicked, threatened to sell the company, and has been kind of all over the place ever since. So of course another company stepped in and delivered – literally. This is what the receiving end looks like

Last week we told you about the ultimate dick move: sending your enemies glitter.

The Dennis the Menace within us jumped for joy, but alas our thirst for schadenfreude turned out to be futile – the creator of, Mat Carpenter, had a bit of a meltdown, couldn’t keep up with demand, and eventually put his 24-hour-old business up for sale. The company – one guy, essentially – is now working through back orders and shipping glitter again…or something.

It’s all very confusing, so we kind of gave up pursuing our sparkly juvenile desires.

But while SYEG was caught in an entrepreneurial black hole, another glitter bomb manufacturer stepped up to the plate, coincidentally on the same day Carpenter basically told the Internet to leave him alone.

Capitalism moves fast.

Enter Ruin Days, its Facebook page is not even a week old and it’s already filling a major void in the hearts of assholes around the world. Unlike SYEG, Run Days seems to have invested just as heavily into logistics as it has glitter because the first video of someone on the receiving end of the prank has been released – and it’s of a dad who’s son suspected he was going through his mail.

How. Amazing. We just can’t get enough of that double aerial hand toss.


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