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O No: Beauty Brand Mistakes Whoopi for Oprah in Tweet During Oscars

One social media manager is probably not having a good morning.

An L.A.-based beauty company, Total Beauty, tweeted a photo of Whoopi Goldberg on the red carpet at last night’s Academy Awards, expressing surprise and love for her large shoulder tattoo.

The only problem was they thought she was Oprah.

The tweet said: “We had no idea @Oprah was #tatted and we love it.” Yikes.

If you tuned into last night’s Awards (or scrolled through your newsfeed this morning), we don’t have to tell you that it was one of the most politically-charged ceremonies in years. Front and centre, of course, was a dialogue surrounding the disproportionately low (see: non-existent) representation of African American nominees at this year’s Oscars.

Naturally, the tweet caused immediate uproar, fuelling the diversity debate even further. It didn’t take long for the hashtag #ThatsNotOprah to start trending as social media users reacted with anger, humour, and shock. To add fuel to the company’s embarrassing PR fail, the tweet remained up for an hour after it was posted.

Total Beauty has since apologized: “We’d like to apologize to Oprah and Whoopi, as well as everyone we’ve offended,” they wrote. “It was our error, and there are no excuses. We’re sorry.”

Though Whoopi has yet to weigh in, Oprah has responded to the mix-up, vocalizing what everyone else is thinking: “we don’t all look alike Jeeeze!”

We’re sure the social media employee heard the media mogul’s message loud and clear. So, if you think you’e having a bad day at the office, it could be much worse.


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