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#NotableYoungPros: Bubbly Broadcaster Amanda Weldon

Amanda Weldon proves that blondes truly do have more fun!  Weldone is a double-degree-holding, blog writing, Canadian television personality for The Weather Network, and she has no intentions of slowing down.

We caught up with Amanda to discuss what keeps her motivated, what she loves about her job, and how she remains grateful and positive.

The best piece of advice that I have received is…

Speak your mind even if your voice shakes.

Someone I look up to is…

My Dad because he has always told me to do something you love because you’re going to be doing it for a long time, and that’s what I’m doing now.

Favourite Instagram account to follow is…

Gal Meets Glam

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is…

Thank goodness that I woke up at all!

I couldn’t do what I do without…

The power of social media.

How did you get started?

My start point was a little bit different than everyone else’s. I started in science, and I took a path which was a little bit jagged, and I ended up landing a gig doing in-game hosting for the Toronto Marlies after doing a second program at Sheridan for broadcast journalism.    

What type of Notable are you? Are you a creator, an entrepreneur, or a professional?

I would consider myself a creator.

Why do you love your job? What sort of cool things do you get to do?

I love my job because every day is different. I get to talk about my family on-air, connect with people in our audience, and then as well share what’s going on day-to-day.

What do you want to be known for?

I want to be known as someone who leaves people better off than when I found them.

What does ambition mean to you?

Ambition is my life mantra, and my life mantra is: make your own momentum. I think ambition finds its way when you are the one to pave the way.  

Looking back, are there moments that clearly stand out in your life as defining moments that have led you to this point?

When I was younger, I always used to put on silly characters or create with my parents. I landed myself in a science position, I knew it wasn’t for me, but I was playing volleyball at university, and that enabled me to do that. One day I was watching one of my friends and got so jealous, and then thought, that’s it!   

What would you consider your biggest accomplishment to date?

One of my most proud moments was being sent abroad to Mexico to connect with a new client at work. We created segments that were so much fun and so incredible, and now we have hooked that client for years to come.   

What is the worst mistake you ever made?

The biggest mistake I’ve ever made is not trusting myself and not believing in myself and letting myself fall into a rut for a certain period of time. Now that I look back on it, it wasn’t a mistake at all. I can look back on it now and not let it happen again in the future.

What is the moment where you knew that you had made it?

If I think about when I ‘made it,’ I don’t think I could concisely tell you that moment. I think our generation is constantly striving for what comes next. That being said, we have to appreciate the small moments. Hooking that job at the weather network, working for a national audience, was the moment where I took a deep breath and said, “you’re on the right path, girl.”   

What are some pivotal mentorship moments for you?

Some pivotal mentors for me have certainly been coaches along the way from playing varsity athletics and at the provincial level. When I think about it in terms of a broadcasting career, I look to the alumni of the Weather Network and the people who took me under their wing, one being Suzanne Leonard.

Have there been key steps in your professional development?

Some big key steps in professional development are being thrown into the fire. I remember being on air, live, alone, no one else was there, for the landing of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. That was a moment where you take maybe a fluffier piece of news, and it gets really serious really fast. Being able to have that moment was pivotal in becoming a broadcaster.   

What parts of your personality, skills, or approach have helped your career?

When it comes to broadcasting and journalism nowadays, you have to be a Swiss Army Knife. I can shoot, edit, produce content behind the camera, but also be in front of the camera. I think being open to learning all the skills possible, everything that is out there is something that has propelled me in my career. Furthermore, approaching it with a smile always helps.    

What’s the next challenge or project you’re tackling?

I recently reached 1k on my YouTube because I actually started focusing on the fact that I love doing video above anything else, so it will certainly be growing that platform for me.

What are your Notable Life goals?

I want to be a self-sustaining entrepreneur and someone who adds something to society. I want to continue to connect and continue to create.  

Do you have any hidden talents or secret passions?

Hidden talents: I’ve started to learn calligraphy. I don’t think creating always has to be digital. I think it can be tactile as well. Secret passions: I continue to play volleyball on the court with some of my alumni as it helps to stay fit. I have also started to indulge in bar classes, which are a lot harder than you would think!     

What is something we don’t know about you?

My Dad is an international pilot. Any time that he flies or goes on a long layover. I can go with him if I’m free. It’s been a wonderful opportunity to connect and create memories where you’re in the moment, and all you’re thinking is, “I’m so excited for the memories we’re making right now.” I’m one of those people who tries to take the time to recognize that.  

Where can we learn more about you and connect with you?

You can learn more about me on my blog, Below the Blonde. That is also my Instagram handle. I’m on Twitter @weldonamanda, and of course, my YouTube.

Emily Rumball

Emily is a freelance writer, blogger, tea addict, and animal lover based out of Vancouver, BC. You can follow her at and @callherem.