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Meet Brody, The Office Chair Designed to Help You Focus on Your Work

Many attempts have been made to restore our current goldfish-level attention span at work – some with success, most without. One company thinks the answer is office chair design

The amount of time we’re able to focus on a screen before shifting our attention is a goldfish-level one minute and 15 seconds. We also visit Facebook 21 times and check our emails 74 times during a regular working shift.  

And no amount of coffee is going to change that. In fact, our attention spans are increasingly decreasing. 

One company, however, has designed a work pod that aims to get workers back on track by reducing anxiety and limiting their environment to a setting that’s just them and their task at hand.

Meet Brody by Steelcase – yes, we’re personifying office furniture now – a 42 by 60-inch isolation chamber that runs against the open concept nature of most modern workplaces. It’s essentially a cocoon that features a chair at optimal reclining angle, eliminates physical distractions, and boasts strategically alotted storage space.
“We wanted a product that allowed people to escape and focus… a kind of micro-environment that helps people get into flow,” said Steelcase designer Mark McKenna

Steelcase developed the idea based on research around how people worked at a library, but there are no conclusive results on the effectiveness of their work stations in practice. 

For now, we’ll stick to double espressos before shelling out almost three grand for a Brody.


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