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Making a Difference, One Cider at a Time: Stock & Row’s Story

Stock & Row is an Ontario craft cider located in Prince Edward County.

It started with two hospitality industry veterans, co-founders Justin Dalipi and Zoe Marshall Nares, with one shared idea: “let’s make something that we love and you will too.” 

What makes their story a remarkable one? When the restaurant industry was hit in an unprecedented way because of the global pandemic, they rallied around their peers and teamed up with Locals Only, a Toronto restaurant, to do at home deliveries. They then donated 100% of the profits to Toronto Bar and Restaurant staff. Yes, you read that right: 100%. Not only does it taste good, but it is a labour of love that honours an industry that has suffered at the hands of COVID-19. 

While their cidery was unable to operate fully this year, they have ambitions to welcome their loyal followers and friends to the Stock & Row farm and tasting room in Spring 2021. In the meantime, you can find them in countless bars and restaurants all over Ontario. 

With three flavours, and branded merchandise, the future is bright for Stock & Row. We had the chance to chat with their co-founder Justin to learn more about who they are, and what their goals are for 2021. 

Tell us a bit about Zoe and yourself. 

We’re the co-founders of Stock & Row. We make cider that people love to drink and talk about. We believe in the classic traditions of cider making while adding some of our own twists to certain flavors.

How did you get into this industry?

We both got our start working for another startup cider company. After that company sold to a very large alcohol company, we both began to miss the startup feeling. After going our separate ways, we continued to talk cider. One thing led to another and the idea of Stock & Row was born.

Was owning a beverage company something you always wanted to do, or what is an evolution of something else?

I think we both love the hustle and chaos of a startup.  There is never a dull moment and each day is filled with hurdles and opportunities. Given Zoe’s passion for making great drinks and my love for creating a brand and getting people to try it, owning a beverage company was a perfect fit for us.  

Your product is amazing. How did you hone your skill to create something that is not only delicious, but is also kind to the environment? 

Zoe has been making cider for years. Years before we started Stock & Row, she was tinkering with different blends. Sourcing local Ontario apples has been important to us.  When we started we decided that #locallove was going to be a bit part of who we are.  This means wherever we are selling or making cider we want to share the love within the community in one way or another.

Your involvement, support and commitment to the restaurant community during the pandemic has been unprecedented. How have things been since then, and are you planning on doing something similar again?

These lockdowns have not been easy. So many small businesses are really feeling it. We haven’t been spared – a lot of our business depends on bars and restaurants since we’re not in the LCBO yet. However, regardless, we still want to be able to continue to help the communities we’re in. We have just launched a new Local Love Project, a new project similar to a previous initiative that we did in the first shutdown earlier this year. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on this initiative on our pages.

Tell us about how you collaborate, and how that has been pivotal for your success so far? 

I think in any business it helps  to have multiple points of view.  For people who know us, they know we balance each other out.  We share the same vision for Stock & Row and are both enjoying the path there. We have different skill sets and bring different ideas or thoughts to the table. But I think we both trust each other 100 percent, which is what makes it work so well. 

You can learn more about Stock & Row on their Instagram, and Website.

Danai Mushayandebvu

Danai is usually scrolling through Instagram in search of new restaurants, things to do and places to be. While she has no formal dance training whatsoever, she hopes to be part of a professional hip-hop troupe someday. You can follow her escapades @dnizzler