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Liz Campbell: Today’s Notable Young Professional

Today's Notable Young Professional is food and hospitality pro Liz Campbell, whose work creates elevated experiences for customers at two of Toronto's most beloved restaurant hot spots. Here's what inspired her career path and where she sees herself in five years

Today’s Notable Young Professional is food and hospitality pro Liz Campbell, whose work creates elevated experiences for customers at two of Toronto’s most beloved restaurant hot spots. Here’s what inspired her career path and where she sees herself in five years…

Elevator Pitch: Describe your job in a nutshell.
Mother hen of two successful downtown Toronto restaurants, THR & Co, and The Harbord Room.

Why did you start working at your company? What was the inspiration for this career route?
I spent nine years working in restaurant kitchens in Australia before finding my way behind the bar when I moved to Canada in 2006. By 2008 I was managing The Harbord Room and in 2013 I became a partner and we opened THR & Co. 

The inspiration is the people, the drinks, and the daily creativity.

What is the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis? The most challenging part?
The best part is knowing that you are part of so many people’s happiness, even if they’re not aware. I love to see a family or best friends or complete strangers having their experiences with each other elevated because of the love and care that we put out every day. 

The most challenging part is not having enough hours in the day!

What is one sign that you’ve seen over the years to suggest that your work/life balance is off?
Not having consecutive days off and working nights and weekends means that laundry starts to pile up and the only exercise I’ve had recently is running between restaurants. At this stage, though, I’m totally okay with that!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Business wise, I’d like to see the restaurant successfully expand into offsite catering and maybe even a new location outside of the GTA.

Personally, having the balance mentioned earlier, with a growing family surrounding me.

What is one major challenge that you’ve had to overcome in your career? How did you overcome it? 
Relocating from Australia to Canada in 2006 was pretty tough for me. I came here for love and knew I needed to step back from the long kitchen hours and enjoy my time. That’s when I came to the front of house. It was not nearly as easy as I thought it would be, but I figured if I applied my kitchen instincts then I could power though it. 

What does success look like to you? Does Money = Happiness?
I’m sure it helps but I think success is measured in your own personal happiness. I’m not there financially yet, but I’m definitely successful. I have two amazing restaurants, a wonderful husband, and a beautiful group of friends. That to me is my success.

What is the most memorable milestone in your career?
Signing on the dotted line with my four amazingly creative partners, Curt Martin, Dave Mitton, Chris Shiki and Cory Vitiello.

Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
Don’t hesitate; now is as good a time as any.

Where is your favourite place to wine/ dine in your city and why?
To wine: Midfield. It’s a great little wine bar located in my neighbourhood, and whenever we go in I know I can trust the staff to know what I love before I even do!

To dine: It’s too hard; there are so many amazing restaurants in this city. Some of faves would have to be: The Black Hoof, Dailo and Union. All are small, owner-operated restaurants, with creativity and passion in all they do.

When you’re not working how do you love to spend your “Me” time?
With my husband, friends and my magazine subscriptions. Together or alone, but in that order! 😉

Where is your favourite place to travel? Why?
Rose Lake in Muskoka. Our friends have a cute little cabin that’s on a quiet lake with lots of fish. And there’s always a fire with friends and family sitting around it. 

If you had to choose a theme song, what would it be?
Yes I Will, by Michael Franti.

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing, what would you be doing?
Wedding planning! I was married last year and made the mistake of not hiring a planner. I thought I had learned my lesson but when we did it again this year in Australia I found myself cooking, making drinks, decorating and basically doing everything myself (with the help of a wonderful sister and step-mother!) again.  

Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is that important to you?
From hosting dinners to offering support at silent auctions, The Harbord Room and THR & Co. take great pride in supporting many local charities. 

What to you is notable?
Something/someone to take note of, to strive for/to strive to be.

Blackberry, iPhone, Android, or Other? 
Currently having a love affair with my iPhone after misplacing my Galaxy.


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Photo by Meredith Rogers



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