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Watch Kristen Bell Mock the Gender Pay Gap in This Hilarious Video

Kristen Bell just gave us another reason to love her.

When she isn’t breaking the stigma around mental health or giving us all #relationship goals via her marriage to Dax Shapard, she is also lending her voice and comedic chops to the gender equality movement.

In a new short film Pinksourcing, she brilliantly satirizes the wage gap between men and women in the US.

She offers a few words of wisdom for companies looking to cut costs.

She asks, “Why outsource all your production to faraway countries like India, China, and Narnia when we have the cheapest and best workforce right here in the good ole U.S. of A.: women.”

As Bell cheerfully strolls through a female-filled office, she explains the benefits of exploiting female employees.

“Women are a bargain at the workplace since you only have to pay them 77 cents on the dollar,” she says, reminding business owners that they don’t even have to pay for their birth control.

Pinksourcing is the first installment of a new refreshingly progressive comedy series produced by the Huffington Post called Celebs Have Issues.

Ten weekly episodes will see celebs take on issues like equal pay, transgender rights, and mental health – all the heavy hitters that now dominate headlines.

Hopefully, they’re all as funny as this one.

Erin Davis

Erin is a Toronto-based actor, writer and queen of the side hustle. When she’s not writing the day away in a face mask, she’s taking in the city’s vibrant arts scene, doing a red carpet interview or brunching with her leading ladies. Follow me: @erinnicoledavis