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Kate Hewko: Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur

Warning: You may freak out, fall in love, and break the bank when you see Kate Hewko’s standout accessories. Attending the International Academy of Design and receiving a diploma in fashion marketing, Kate is a jewelry designer who sells her eye-catching collection online and at local market pop-ups around Calgary

Warning: You may freak out, fall in love, and break the bank when you see Kate Hewko’s standout accessories. Attending the International Academy of Design and receiving a diploma in fashion marketing, Kate is a jewelry designer who sells her eye-catching collection online and at local market pop-ups around Calgary...

Elevator Pitch: Describe your job in a nutshell.
I’m a jewelry designer with an online store. My jewelry is handmade by experts who I trust to make my ideas come to life.

Why did you start working at your company? What was the inspiration for this career route?
I’ve been in the fashion industry for just over 15 years and can’t seem to escape this vortex. It’s a business that I know well and have strengths in. Over the past decade my contribution to the fashion industry has evolved as I’ve grown through good and bad experiences. I believe I have finally figured out how to sustain my career in fashion through It’s a brand I can slowly grow and it has no limits, so it keeps me continually engaged and excited.

What is the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis? The most challenging part?
I love that I can work from home and be with my kids. The most challenging part is balancing my two full time jobs, being an entrepreneur and a stay-at-home mom.

What is one sign that you’ve seen over the years to suggest that your work/life balance is off?
When I spend the day in pajamas I know I’m in trouble. It’s very easy to get carried away in a creative whirlwind and forget to brush your teeth. Sometimes I get so excited to get back to an idea I’m working on, that staying in my comfy sweats seems like a good option.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
With both my kids in school so I have the whole day to work on my business! I anticipate having built my brand and customer base large enough to turn product more frequently, making it possible to increase my selection of styles.

What is one major challenge that you’ve had to overcome in your career? How did you overcome it?
I previously owned a clothing store in Calgary’s Kensington area. I brought in extremely forward pieces that were carried in New York City’s top progressive boutiques, but struggled to sell such edgy attire to just the Calgary market. At that time it wasn’t easy to create an online store, so I was limited by my inability to access enough of my target market of fashion-forward trendsetters. I closed down the store in 2010 and took time to start my family and put serious thought into what I wanted to do next. I find value in unique jewelry since it’s something that you can keep forever and pass down for generations, so with that and advanced technology making it easy to reach my forward market across the world, I decided to open an online shop and was born.

What does success look like to you? Does Money = Happiness?
As a businesswoman, success is highly dependant on money. Any entrepreneur who says otherwise is either trying to sound excessively inspired, or will inevitably have a difficult time keeping their business afloat. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way with previous ventures. As much as my business is a passion project, the only way to keep it running is having a strong focus on the company’s finances, mainly its profitability. So to directly answer the question, in my opinion money doesn’t equal happiness, but it is definitely required to maintain it.

Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
The two pieces of advice I have for other entrepreneurs is to be proactive with your bookkeeping and be true to your brand. My brand is very forward, and there have been many times I’ve toyed with the idea of creating more mainstream products to attract a larger demographic and increase sales. I often consult my husband when I feel compromised and he reassures me that slowly my fashion-forward niche will find me and create a solid following to grow my business and brand. I prefer to lead than follow, and I would be letting down my current supporters if I did otherwise.

Where is your favourite place to wine/ dine in your city and why?
If you asked me this question five years ago, I could have written you a novel of places I love to wine dine and dance on tables, but times have changed. Most nights are spent in bed with my husband watching our favourite shows. The odd night when I do venture out past 7pm, I love spending time with amazing friends and supporters I’ve met throughout my time in the Calgary fashion industry, brainstorming over food and wine. Mercato is a staple and their tagliatelle is my comfort food.

When you’re not working how do you love to spend your “Me” time?
“Me” time is few and far between when you have two little kids. The only “me” time I really have is when I’m asleep. Every afternoon while my little one naps, my toddler and I watch Curious George on Netflix while I work concurrently on my laptop drafting jewelry, designing homepage banners, doing web updates, and anything else on my work agenda that day. I love working on my business, so I consider that the best “me” time.

Where is your favourite place to travel? Why?
I have a soft spot for Europe. I spent a lot of time there in my late teens and early twenties. There is always more to go back and discover. When I lived in Italy I loved seeing everyone dressed in their Sunday best as they window shopped along the Corso. In general, Europeans recognize the importance of putting yourself together when you leave the house, not schlepping out in your Lululemons. My husband and I have started compiling a list of places in Europe we plan to explore when our kids get a bit older and can appreciate it (or at least old enough that someone can handle watching them so we can go alone).

If you had to choose a theme song, what would it be?
“Feel So Close” by Calvin Harris


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing, what would you be doing?
I really love looking at houses and have always had an interest in real estate. Believe it or not, the only magazines I purchase are the Canadian magazines ‘Style at Home’ and ‘House & Home’. I love envisioning the possibilities for renovations and decor. There is a strong correlation between fashion design and interior design.

Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is that important to you?
Through my previous business I supported the Starlight Children’s Foundation. Once my website is more established I will be able to implement a program where a percentage of sales goes to charity. As a mother, supporting a charity that improves the lives of sick children is something that resonates with me.

What to you is notable?
Anything out of the ordinary.

Blackberry, iPhone, Android, or Other?
iPhone, hands down!


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