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James Boettcher: Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur

What do food trucks, fig-balsamic gelato and poker all have in common? That would be James Boettcher, the brilliant entrepreneur, foodie enthusiast, talented graphic designer, and one of the most influential advocates for making Calgary awesome

What do food trucks, fig-balsamic gelato and poker all have in common? That would be James Boettcher, the brilliant entrepreneur, foodie enthusiast, talented graphic designer, and one of the most influential advocates for making Calgary awesome. There is no doubt that he is one of the hardest working people around and there’s a good chance that by the time this article is posted, he will have already opened up another business or started another successful food movement. 

For being only 30 years old, James already accomplished a great many things and the Cole’s Notes include stating a record label and promotions company for all ages shows before he was able to drive, playing poker professionally, co-owning a niche poker clothing company, revamping a dwindling gelato business into a recognizable YYC boutique brand, and transforming our Calgary’s food culture through co-founding YYC Food Trucks

Betting On A Horse
In 2009, James was doing small brand strategy and graphic design when Fiasco Gelato, one of his clients at the time, approached him with the opportunity to acquire the company. He couldn’t say no. After all, Fiasco represented a perfect opportunity to combine his passion for food, brand strategy and the ability to re-build a company, instilling his own philosophies along the way. As James summed it up, “I had no idea what the future would hold, but I knew I was willing to give it a shot.” He bet on a horse and won big.

Despite a few ups and downs along the way, like the fire that set ablaze the Kensington location in spring of 2009, James was tenacious and unwavering in making his business a success. When he was told the shop couldn’t be open before December of that year, he surprised everyone by reopening in one third of the time.

Skip ahead to 2014; a once-struggling gelato shop is now the business model for frozen treats, showing up on everyone’s Twitter feed and popping up in beautifully wrapped packaging in local markets, shops and restaurants all over town. 

YYC Food Trucks:
A FFWD party in 2011 helped this energetic entrepreneur realize one more goal, and that was getting a food truck initiative off the ground in the city. When James saw Mayor Nenshi at that party, he wasted no time in pitching his idea to the Mayor and it stuck. On August 11th, 2011 the Food Truck Pilot Program launched and James call this the best day of his life. 

Back in 2011, there were only seven trucks participating in the program but today there are roughly 35 trucks that you’ll see around town on any given day.  YYCFT is estimating there will be 50+ trucks signed up by the end of 2014. 

Favourite Milestones?
Besides the successful launch of food trucks across Calgary, James had two other very notable milestones that he shared with us. 1. Spending his 25th birthday party at the Playboy mansion, swimming in the grotto, and shaking Hugh Hefner’s hand; and 2. Receiving Avenue’s award for Top 40 under 40 this past year. Both very notable milestones indeed. 

You Know You’re Busy When….
James balances a pretty hectic schedule, so he’s no stranger to sending e-mails in the wee hours of the morning. On any given day he’s splitting his time between coming up with brilliant marketing strategies for Fiasco, planning food truck events and brainstorming with his team about the next big idea. He says the best way to gauge his state is by taking one good look at his hair; the more disheveled, the busier the day. 

Keeping the Balance
He believes in the work/life blend philosophy over the concept of the work/life balance. To clarify, the work/life blend encompasses the idea that our jobs should sync with our lives and not be a separate entity. According to James, when the two aren’t divided we can handle the variances way better. If you love your job then you won’t mind making a few sacrifices. As he put it best: “Work shouldn’t be the enemy.” 

Must-Try Gelato?
While the raspberry lime and blueberry basil came up as must-try flavours, James is most proud of the blueberry and lime gelato called the High Water Hippo. During the flood, sales from this particular gelato went back to the zoo to help fund the much-needed repairs. A recent trip to the zoo and getting to feed the giraffes made the whole project really come to fruition for the Fiasco team. 

Whatever James’ next venture is, we know it will be something great. To give everyone a little inspiration, we thought we’ d leave you with a little YP advice from the gelato master: 

Nothing worth having comes easy. I’ve worked every possible day, night, and weekend to learn, innovate, and aspire to something greater. If you think success comes without putting in the sweat, blood, tears, time and energy, you will be disappointed with the result.”

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