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How to Get Over Your Holiday Slump

There’s nothing like January to make you feel a little low. The holidays were filled with food, family, imbibing, time off work, parties, and presents. And now, it’s back to work – in the cold – with nothing to look forward to except the eventual thaw. Here’s how to make it suck a little less

Well, the holidays came and went in a flash – as per usual.

And now it’s January 2nd and you’re sitting there feeling sorry for yourself and wondering how to face the day when chocolate for breakfast and champagne for lunch are no longer acceptable options.

That’s right, it’s time to dump your Christmas tree, take down your lights, and toss your holiday cheer.

But hey, we all need something to look forward to once we’re back at our desks, so we’ve come up with a few ways to help you move past the post-holiday blues.

This is your best option. The worst part about this time of year is the neverending lack of Vitamin D – so get on a plane and go where the sun shines even in January.

There’s one thing that we only get the chance to do when it’s this cold – skate. Take advantage of these fleeting months to spend as much time on the ice as you can, because it’ll be closed until next winter soon enough. Also, exercise makes you happy even when you’re too cold to feel your own toes.

Invite your friends over and throw a theme party just for kicks. The main reason we feel blue is because we spent most of December socializing, which is an automatic high – so make it a point to be more social this winter and we promise you won’t feel the slump nearly as much.

It’s the perfect time of year to make some hot chocolate and spend a weekend in bed with your favourite pet or person marathoning the last season of Girls or House Of Cards. Who needs to go outside when it’s this cold? Not us. (Unless it’s to skate of course.)

If staying inside is what’s getting you down, you can always switch it up by heading out to see a film. This is the best time of year to do so, because all the big Academy Award nominees tend to hit the screen in January.

Signing up for guitar lessons or going skiing for the first time all make perfect sense in January. It is the month of New Year’s resolutions, after all. Learning something new is always a great way to feel creatively motivated, and get out of a rut.

Christmas just came and went, so it’s likely you have some new gadgets to play with. Learn the ins and outs of that new slow cooker, tablet, or camera – there’s nothing worse than letting a present you begged for sit in the corner all year because you didn’t take the time to master it. 


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