We don’t have to tell you that men’s grooming and style are more important than ever when it comes to dressing for success.
And if we do, than you should definitely keep reading.
When you look stylish and polished, people notice. Likewise when you don’t.
That’s why it’s essential to own a few quality bathroom cabinet staples for optimal personal grooming. The new Philips OneBlade, for example, should be your best friend when it comes to maintaining your facial hair – or lack thereof.
Just ask Brandon Kaplan. The Toronto-based fashion brand manager is also a regular on Toronto’s social scene, so it’s safe to say he knows the importance of looking the part.
We caught up with him to hear a little more about his style and grooming routine.
*Don’t miss your chance to win the ultimate grooming kit below.
Tell us who you are and what you do in less than 150 characters:
My name’s Brandon Kaplan and I’m a brand manager for a variety of international men’s fashion labels hailing from London, Paris, the U.S. and Canada.
Tell us about something you wish you knew when you first started your career…
I wish I’d known more about the manufacturing and design side of fashion before I started on the wholesale/distribution end. It’s just something that lends itself to being that much more of a pseudo-expert on the brands and product that you’re selling.
What’s the biggest key to your morning routine? How does the OneBlade make it more convenient?
The biggest key is actually getting out of bed. The second key is making the bed; that way you start the day off with a completed task, even if it seems totally menial. Thirdly, I tend to develop a five o’clock shadow very quickly so OneBlade is super convenient in my morning routine as it gives me a quick and efficient way to clean up any excess stubble around my neck and cheek and to line up my beard.
Why is personal grooming important to you?
I was actually having this discussion with my barber yesterday. Here’s my take on it: personal grooming is absolutely critical in showing respect. Yes, respect. If you go for a job interview, you’re going to make sure you look your best. Why? The reason is that you want to be respectable in your appearance and want to show the interviewer that you respect the opportunity enough to take the time to groom yourself. Tom Ford once said something along the lines of, “dressing well is a form of good manners.” I believe that sentiment translates to grooming as well. If you’re the type to exhibit good manners, then it naturally extends to how you present yourself through your style and grooming too.
How do you dress for success?
I’ve always been a big proponent of the terms ‘gravitas’ and ‘spezzatura’. In terms of dressing for success, gravitas means to dress with dignity and intention. Spezzatura means to be effortless in your approach to style. Nothing is worse to me than a contrived outfit comprised of ostentatious branding, where the guy or girl assumes that because they spent a lot of money that their outfit is fire. You dress for success by building a wardrobe of brands, colour palettes, and fits that complement your natural skin tones, physique, budget, and personality. Based on the occasion, you select your outfit, piece by piece, ensuring they work together to achieve your outfit goal. Being the best dressed in the room, for any occasion, is never a bad thing and will always lend itself to success.
How would you describe your individual look/style and how do you customize/tailor your look?
My look is versatile. I have a wardrobe full of contemporary streetwear juxtaposed with tailored suiting. My style is hinged upon my personal qualities, both physical and mental, which make me who I am. Physically, I’m tall and have very long arms. I have hazel eyes and dark features, so I buy clothes that complement those qualities. I don’t care what the brand is’; fit is paramount to everything when it comes to style. My suits are custom because of my long arms, and that’s fine. I would never force an off the rack garment and compromise fit. My style is based on meticulously curating individual pieces that suit my unique physical qualities, my personal taste, and my budget.
Why is looking the part important in your industry?
I work in the fashion industry so if I were to not dress well, I would lose credibility and trust with my existing and prospective customer base as well as with my industry counterparts.
An essential style tip:
FIT, FIT, FIT. Sure, there are labels and brands that we are drawn to for a variety of reasons, but if a garment doesn’t fit you as it should, then move on. If you need to ask someone if something looks good more than once, move on. You should know in an instant of putting it on and glancing at the mirror if it’s for you. I constantly see friends trying to convince themselves that they need something or that they like it because of a brand’s “cool” factor when it quite obviously doesn’t suit or work for their lifestyle or personal qualities.
What’s one thing you wish you had more time for?
Travel and adventure. I just wanna see the world but due to my line of work, there are very specific windows of opportunity for me to take personal leave for leisure travel and adventures.
What do you think about the OneBlade? Why would you recommend it to others?
One word – convenience. Being battery powered, you can throw it in your toiletry kit for travel or sit it beside your sink with it taking up very little space. Unlike most products in its class, the blade is super sharp and gets all the short hairs right down to the skin. It saves me from having to visit my barber for a beard lineup every week too.
Now it’s your turn. We want to elevate your morning routine by giving away the ultimate grooming kit so you can always look the part. The gift will include the OneBlade, a sleek Nike toiletry bag, and a beard kit from Frank & Oak.
Fill out the form below for your chance to win.
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* Winner will be notified via email by August 3rd, 2016.