The UN FAO Food Price Index has just confirmed what we all long suspected – going grocery shopping in Canada is an expensive endeavour.
The average price of food in markets around the world has fallen by 14.5 per cent in the last year. Meanwhile in Canada, the latest Consumer Price Index from Statistics Canada show that prices actually rose four per cent over the same period.
Not surprisingly, fruit and vegetables account for the greatest increase. Since 81 per cent are imported, the weak Loonie has a direct impact on the cost of produce. Fresh vegetables were reportedly up by 18.2 per cent in price – which is all the more reason to stop being so elitist with your vegetables and start buying some reduced-price wonky produce.
Meat prices were also up, by five per cent, in Canada, while the rest of the world enjoy falling costs for things like dairy, cereal, sugar and meat.
In addition to our crumbling currently, another big issue is even food that is produced here is often being processed elsewhere.
“Our economic and geographic realities are catching up to us. The fact that that we live in one of the largest countries in the world with 35 million people only,” said Sylvain Charlebois, Director of the Food Institute at the University of Guelph.
“It’s hard to distribute food efficiently no matter where you live in the country.”
So next time your parents complain that they never see you any more, just remember how well stocked their fridge is and think about paying them a visit.