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Five Benefits of Living Somewhere Else

Many young professionals (YPs) consider themselves fairly well travelled, even quite cultured. Sure, we spend a lot of time Googling foreign locales, then hopefully visiting them on vacay once or twice a year. But if venturing off the resort to eat “authentic food,” or away from backpackers’ row to shop from “local artisans” is all the culture we’re actually getting, we may be selling ourselves short

Many young professionals (YPs) consider themselves fairly well travelled, even quite cultured. Sure, we spend a lot of time Googling foreign locales, then hopefully visiting them on vacay once or twice a year. But if venturing off the resort to eat “authentic food,” or away from backpackers’ row to shop from “local artisans” is all the culture we’re actually getting, we may be selling ourselves short. For YPs, the world truly is our oyster, and this is the time to shuck it wide open. If we want to develop a genuine world view and gain a greater understanding of our fellow (wo)man, spending time really living amongst other cultures is the ideal way to do it. Whether it’s to the next province over or a few continents away, if you are considering taking a leave of absence, an extended vacation, or just picking up and leaving, here are five notable reasons to get that plane ticket booked and that foreign flat rented now: 

1. Lean on You: Relocating somewhere foreign and new removes us from our usual safety net of family, friends, and familiarity. Without our mommy and daddy to support us, our everyday activities and relationships to fulfill us, and our usual comforts and conveniences to coddle us, we are forced to really rely just on ourselves. Being thrown into such independence, all while coping with foreign customs and perhaps languages, helps us develop some serious self-reliance. Conquering those challenges of life in a new land, and learning to count solely on ourselves even in the most alien of circumstances, builds superior self-trust and confidence – both crucial qualities of the most successful YPs.  

2. Humility, Perspective, Tolerance: It’s so easy to get caught up in our own little worlds, to develop narrow views, and to lose sight of the bigger picture. This is just a natural byproduct of staying in the same place for so long. If we want to gain new perspectives, see how huge the real world really is, and, more importantly, realize just how small we are within it, there is no better method than to take a big step away. Spending time living among foreign cultures also lets us learn how other societies work and how other people think. Such insights help us see things from multiple new angles, to think deeper and more critically, and to be more tolerant and understanding. As wise ol’ Mark Twain once said: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” 

3. Good for Business, Good for Philanthropy: Moving away isn’t always a case of personal exploration; sometimes it’s for business, or even for philanthropy. As members of this increasingly global community with so many telecommute opportunities, more and more YPs are either seeking work or volunteer opportunities abroad or taking their existing jobs or charitable missions on the road. Living and working as an expat YP provides unique forms of education and training that can be impossible to gain at home, as well as incredible occasions for growing our networks beyond our own backyards.  

4. Refresh and Enjoy: Picking up and taking off to somewhere new is a wonderful way to change up the scenery, mix up the monotony, and really refresh the YP life.  If your personal and/or professional life has reached a plateau, consider stirring things up by making a move. Aside from all the valuable life lessons and professional opportunities, embarking on life in foreign land can just be a damn good time. So, go on! See new things, meet new people, taste new foods, sip new drinks, even love new lovers. Indulge in a life of daily discoveries and then return anew.

5. Appreciate: Finally, spending a period of time living far, far away, can help us see all that is wonderful back at home sweet home. From our free healthcare to our gorgeous landscapes, our potable tap water to freedom of speech, there are so many aspects of Canadian life that we have to be thankful for. Sometimes it can take an extended trip to a less fortunate place to realize just how good we’ve really got it.  

#LYNL | (Live Your Notable Life)


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