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Five Articles to Get You Through Hump Day

Whether you need a fresh start tomorrow morning, are worried financially, can't seem to find motivation working from home or simply have a case of perceived bad luck, here are five articles to get you through the dreaded Hump-Day

The Upside Now: Every Day is a New Life
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Every day – every single day – is a new life to a wise man/woman. Dale Carnegie said it best: How will you live it? It’s the first of its kind. What happened yesterday, happened yesterday. Today is today. It’s a new day. There is massive power and control of your destiny, your happiness, your success, and your future if you just start concentrating all of your energy on today. By Founder Julian Brass. 

How to be More Productive Working From Home
It’s no secret that the definition of ‘workplace’ is changing. Fewer and fewer young professionals are victim to the proverbial ball and chain, logging eight hours a day within the same square metre. We’re mobile, adaptable and, increasingly, working from home. Rather than meeting around a desk in the morning, printing documents and submitting them by a deadline, we can conference call via Skype, shoot emails by the second and work collaboratively through Google Docs – and that’s just the tip of the technological iceberg. While many would argue that one’s rate of success increases without the binding structure of office life, we’ve heard countless stories of motivation loss when you’re literally stepping out of bed and into your desk…or maybe they’re the same. 

How to Live a More Notable Life in 2013 (aka NOW)
We speak of the Notable360 life at It sets a standard as to how we ultimately strive to live our lives and how we measure the success and influence of others. The four pillars of the Notable360 life are social life, professional life, charity life and living life. A Notable young professional is not someone who is simply making sweeping gains in their professional life. He or she is socially well rounded, and takes advantage of their city’s events, culture and culinary offerings. They create and seize opportunities to make a difference in the philanthropic realm – and that means more than getting done up and purchasing a ticket for a charity ball. Finally, they live a life balanced and well-lived, enriched with hobbies, a fit and active lifestyle and exploration.

Notable Tips to Stop Screwing Up
Making mistakes is a realistic and even valuable part of our evolution as young professionals. Many areas of our lives, both professional and social, are often uncharted territory, and so trial and error has become a useful learning strategy for many YPs. That said, the most important aspect of the popular “live and learn” approach is, of course, the learning. So whether you’ve screwed up at work, in your relationship, or with yourself, it’s important to avoid allowing our mistakes to turn into a cycle of bad habits.

Making Bank: Five Ways to Accumulate Wealth
These days, our generation of young professionals seems to have very little savings compared to what our parents had at our age. There are, obviously, a few reasons for this. We stay in post-secondary institutions longer, return to school, leave secure jobs to satisfy entrepreneurial cravings and work for next to nothing at the beginning of our careers… aside for “experience.”

Notable Life

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