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Facebook Could Soon Let You Make Money Off of Your Posts

Have you ever written such an on point status update that you thought “Daammnnnn, I should get paid to do this!”

Well, now you (sort of) can.

According to The Verge, a survey was spotted which asked users to indicate their interest in a number of options and “call to action” buttons that, if introduced, would have the power to allow individuals to make a profit from some of their Facebook posts.

It was spotted on a users verified page, but it’s unclear if the survey had been sent out more widely.

So is this a form of online busking? An open palm, outstretched and ready to accept whatever small contribution our followers might care to toss in our direction for a particularly LOL-worthy anecdote or a notable tag-in?

Well, maybe. But more specifically an empty ‘jar’, as opposed to a guitar case or hat.

The survey asked the users to consider the following options for “promoting your cause or earning money using your personal presence on Facebook” and then asked them to select which of the following they would be interested in:

– Tip jar (place where fans can tip you money)
– Branded content (earn money when posting with brand you have a sponsorship agreement with)
– Sponsor Marketplace (a place where you can match up with advertisers for sponsorship)
– Donate option (allows fans to donate to a charity you choose)
– Call to action button (e.g. buttons saying “Buy Tickets” or “Sign up for More” on your posts)
– Revenue sharing (receive a share of revenue generated by ads in your post)

Up until now, the closest Facebook has come to letting individuals earn money from posts on the social media platform has been introducing their video ads into Instant Articles – which allows publishers to host content directly on Facebook instead of posting links back to their own websites.

Publishers can now place the ads – such as autoplay and user-initiated videos – directly within their content.

But like the updates we saw on Mr Zuckerberg’s fancy version of Facebook, it doesn’t necessarily mean these plans for tip jars and the like will be rolled out soon. It does suggest they’re toying with the idea of monetizing Facebook even further, though.

So keep putting your wittiest foot forward, because who knows – in the future you could be making a profit while you procraste.


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