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Employees Hilariously Photoshop Their CEO After He Falls Asleep at Work

You’ve probably fallen asleep at the office at one point or another. And whether you snoozed off for just a nanosecond or took a full-blown doze at your desk (like this sleepy intern), you no doubt did a quick look around after to check that your boss wasn’t in the vicinity.

10 Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day When You’re Away From Home

Living away from home can be tough – particularly around the holidays. Every time you scroll through your Instagram and Facebook feed you’re forced to see your friends spending time with their family members while you’re sitting in your apartment alone eating ramen noodles. And of all the days in the year,

These Are the Top Travel Photos of the Year From National Geographic

From the isolated streets of New York City during a blizzard to a golden sunrise in Tuscany, these are the dramatic images that every photographer would love to have in their portfolio. Taken at some of the most beautiful locations in the world, these stunning snaps are the top submissions in the running for

Uber Could Be Gone From Quebec as Early as This Summer

Just one day after Toronto officially legalized Uber, the City of Montreal has proposed legislation that will essentially force the ride-sharing service to shut down. If the law comes in to effect, Uber will be required to treat its drivers the same way taxis do. This means paying for permits and having a limited

These Pictures Show Just How Crazy the Fort McMurray Wildfire Really Is

Following the outbreak of a huge wildfire on Sunday night, all residents of Fort McMurray, Alberta have been forced to flee their homes. The fire spiralled out of control at an alarming rate, doubling in size overnight Monday. Terrifying scenes were uploaded to Twitter as the entire city of 60,000 piled onto the