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Category: Industry

Rents in Canadian cities will rise up to 7 per cent this year

Paying rent in Canadian cities is a tragedy. And it’s going to get worse! According to a trio of reputable sources, average rents in Canada are expected to increase by 3% in 2020. Most affected will be residents of Toronto, which could see rents rise by up to 7%. Even

Remember to put aside an extra $500 for food next year

The other day I was looking at old film photos, from around 1997, and was struck by one thing in particular: street meat. One photo featured a BBQ stand with a price list: $1 for a hot dog; $1.50 for a burger; 75 cents for a Coke. These things would

These Are the Countries With the Strongest Tourism Industries

People are getting out there and seeing the world. According to the World Tourism Organization, there were more than 1.4 billion international tourist arrivals last year. That’s great, but it also puts a big strain on local infrastructure and the environment. It’s one thing to invite someone over and quite

Green Party Reveals Plan to Cut the Price of Weed and Kill Black Market

The legalization of marijuana in itself is good. How it has been carried out? Not so much. Nearly a year after Canada became only the second country in the world to legalize recreational cannabis use, many Canadians believe there are still significant improvements to be made. For example, price. A

Tesla is Gifting 50 Charging Stations to Parks Across Canada

Electric cars: Pretty good until you have to charge one. At least that’s the opinion of many Canadians who feel the country’s electric charger infrastructure is lacking. Well, good news, because Tesla has announced it will donate 50 charging stations at Parks Canada locations around the country. “Climate change is