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5 Female-Fronted Toronto Bands You Need to Hear

A tallish, shaggy-haired, vintage t-shirt-wearing guy walks into a bar holding a guitar. You know you’ve seen him. The music industry, as progressive as it may claim to be, is still fairly centered on all-male bands strumming four chords on a guitar. In fact, some lovely individual took the liberty of

I Woke Up at 5 a.m. for 5 Days – This is What I Learned

You know what they say: the early bird gets the worm. A 2008 study at the University of North Texas even found that those who rise earlier earned a whole extra point on their SATs. However, I’m usually okay with missing out on the worm and settling for some extra Zs. This

This Is How You Survive a Job That You Absolutely Hate

“Working 9 to 5 just to stay alive.” No, it’s not just a catchy Beyonce lyric. Maybe you’re one of those fortunate folks who managed to snag a high-paying Bay street job right out of university that you absolutely love. Good for you! Unfortunately, for most of us, work is

I Wore the Same Outfit for 5 Days and This Is What I Learned

Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama, Johnny Cash. What do all of these fellas have in common? They’ve all adopted some kind of uniform or general aesthetic to their daily professional routine. If you find yourself constantly trying to make decisions throughout the day (and often choosing poorly), you may