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Upping Your Meditation Game with Tachyon Energy

I went to my Tachyon session completely oblivious to what I was about to experience. Having heard about its life-changing effects, I was intrigued. Especially for that reason I wanted to be completely open and void of expectation to whatever I was about to experience. While I don’t meditate every day,

Self-Care That’s Good For The Planet Too

If we gave as much attention to sustainability as we did to our skin-care routines, could we solve the current climate crisis?  Millennials are no strangers when it comes to looking after themselves – and that’s proven by the 10-billion dollar self-care industry we continue to pour our hard-earned dollars

4 Ways Millennial Home-Owners Are Saving Green

If you are one of the lucky ones to own a home in Toronto, you likely know the costs don’t end when you finally settle on the place of your dreams.  It’s not a unique scenario: bright and hopeful new homeowners finally land their dream home only to become swamped

The Bohemian Side of Texas You Need To See

Texas surprised me. While I expected BBQ ribs, cowboy hats, and mechanical bulls (and found world-class choices by the fistfuls), the magic of “The Lone Star” state for me was discovering it’s softer, Bohemian side.  Sprawling art museums, artisanal cocktails, and restaurants that cater to vegetarian and paleo lifestyle choices