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Amanda Grace Cooper: Today’s Notable Young Professional

Today's Notable Young Professional is actress Amanda Grace Cooper, whose life-long desire to perform has led her to an ideal career in the film industry. What advice does she have for other young professionals? Find out in today's profile

Today’s Notable Young Professional is actress Amanda Grace Cooper, whose life-long desire to perform has led her to an ideal career in the film industry. What advice does she have for other young professionals? Find out in today’s profile…

Elevator Pitch: Describe your job in a nutshell.
I play make believe for a living.

What was the inspiration for this career route?
My parents are in the business, so I naturally grew up watching/studying actors on various sets that they worked on. At an early age, I danced competitively, which then led into wanting to become an actress. I simply loved performing.

What is the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis? The most challenging part?
I’m able to meet and work with extremely creative individuals. 

If we are working in the freezing cold while trying to portray a warm summer evening, that in itself can be a challenge. That’s when it’s called ‘acting’.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I hope for some big accomplishments in my both my career and in my personal life.

What does success look like to you? Does Money = Happiness?
I feel success once I have finally reached a goal. I then of course set new goals. I’ll never feel 100% successful at anything that I do. I’ll always try to reach higher and higher.

No, money definitely doesn’t define happiness for me. Sure, it pays the bills and pretty much any expense you may have. However, I know plenty of people who are well off and are some of the most sad/depressed people you could ever meet.

What is the most memorable milestone in your career?
At a very early age, standing on set knowing that I wanted to be an actress has to be my most memorable milestone. 

Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
NEVER GIVE UP! Chase your dreams, and work hard. Practice your craft, and stay hungry for jobs and opportunities. 

Where is your favourite place to wine/dine in your city and why?
Coming from a vegan mind, my favourite place is Cafe Gratitude. This adorable restaurant is located in beautiful Larchmont, CA. The food is delicious, fresh and 100% organic. Need I say more? Oh yeah, the deserts are out of this world!

When you’re not working how do you love to spend your “Me” time?
When I have down time, I enjoy flea markets, knitting, reading and writing.

Where is your favourite place to travel? Why?
Kauai, Hawaii all the way! Who doesn’t love the island life? 

If you had to choose a theme song, what would it be?
Welcome To The Jungle – Guns n’ Roses.  

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing, what would you be doing?
I have no idea…

Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is that important to you?
Yes I do. I work with Gentle Barn. They are located in Santa Clarita. I am able to help and work with animals who have been abused or neglected. I am pro animal rights, and it is the best feeling to be able to help an animal in need. It’s an all around great cause.

Blackberry, iPhone, Android, or Other?
iPhone all the way.


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