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Alex Prijic Smith: Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur

Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur is Montreal-based jewelry designer Alex Prijic Smith of Vargas Goteo, who founded her business with a philanthropic goal to support ocean and sea life-based causes. We caught up with her to find out what advice she would share with other young professionals and where she likes to wine and dine in the city…



1. Describe what you do in less than 140 characters. Go.
I highlight and try to bring awareness to issues and campaigns that are important to me through my work. I also doodle a lot. 

2. What was the inspiration for your career route?
I realized my designs were heavily influenced by species that happened/happen to be at risk, so early on I decided to make a point to align myself with philanthropy. It’s challenging to introduce issues to an audience that may not be aware and provide a new way to contribute. It’s also nice to provide a way for those aware to contribute in a new way. 

3. What is the most memorable milestone in your career so far?
The recent collaboration with WildAid on the Ivory free campaign. All Vargas Goteo collections are affiliated with a respective cause, and are ocean and sea life-based. This collaborative has extended what I can contribute to, and I’m proud to be part of any call to action for causes that affect us in any way. 

Another notable moment, though, was when much time working was lost, and it ultimately allowed me to streamline what I was doing and why. In the end, it eliminated the boundaries of being on trend.

4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years?
I was asked that question five years ago actually, and it’s pretty much panned out. So if visualization and doing the work made it so, it’ll be a good 2020. 

10 and 20 years? Come back to me in five and we’ll talk.

5. Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
Never ever doubt your gut feeling. At the end of the day, or more like years in, I can say I’ve never ever, ever, ever (that’s no typo, I just really want to stress it) uttered or thought the words, “maybe I shouldn’t have done this.” 

Whatever prompted you to start up, don’t lose sight of that. I’ve overcome massive hurdles but never lost the belief that what I wanted had a place and purpose. If you doubt, reach out, ask questions. There’s no shame in admitting you don’t know the ropes when it’s about everything you want to achieve. There’s no shame in admitting you’re not cut out for certain aspects of the main goal. People will step up and help when you’re honest about your intentions and goals. Don’t be smug.

6. Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is it (or they) important to you?
WildAid. They have a great way of implementing the mindset that when the demand stops, the killing can too.

With that, my goal with Vargas Goteo pieces (shark fin, coral, manta ray, elephant tusk designs) is to reverse the perceived (market) value of the real thing, and place value on the symbol of the respect of leaving things as and where they’re meant to be.

7. What is one major challenge that you’ve had to overcome in your career? How did you overcome it?
There have been a few; it’s tough in jewelry. Mind you, it’s tough whatever you decide to take on on your own.

I overcame them simply believing good can come out of anywhere, provided your intentions are true and you’re willing to put in the work. But if it’s down to one, rejection. The. Worst. Anyone in any field can associate with that. It’s a part of the game. Touching on a previous question, it comes down to admitting defeats or fears and reaching out. If you can do that, you’re on a solid path because you’ve put your goal before your ego. 

8. What does the word notable mean to you?
My background is British and Montengrin, but to stay professional I’ll leave the Fawlty Towers quote out. A Montenegrin author said (loosely), “lucky is the man who lives forever, it means he had a reason for being.” So leave something behind, or do something that resonates. As an artist, of course it’s selfish, but as a person, it speaks volumes. 


1. Where is your favourite place to wine/ dine in your city and why?
My local grocer and my kitchen… does that work?

You’re asking the wrong gal in the right city! Montreal is packed with amazing restaurants, supper clubs, bars, etc. It’s ever growing and I can’t keep up! 

Off the top of my head and palate: Dolcetto in Old Montreal features an amazing atmosphere and menu. Brasserie Central is my local and it lives up to the always packed dining room. Have to give it to Kim Lallouz at Monsieur Resto+Bar and Dan Notkin at Notkin’s for their amazing work and establishments as well.

2. What’s the most visited website on your Internet browser? The most played song on your phone?
Netflix. It’s great background “white noise” for work. 

Song? Right now? Oh man. The title says it all… Sorry. I Belieb many of my friends will have something to say about that. 

3. Who’s one person you think everyone should be following on social media?
Richard Branson, for reasons across the board. 

4. What’s your favourite country to visit and why? And what’s the next one you plan on travelling to?
Love my ties to London, England and Herceg Novi, Montenegro, but a Maldives manta dive is on the list.

5. What gives you the greatest FOMO?
HOWIGI (hang on while I google it). Yep, trending acronyms.

6. What’s your guiltiest pleasure?
Coke bottle jujubes.  

7. What’s something you wish you didn’t spend so much money on? What’s something you wish you spent more on?
Nothing I wish I spent more on; only wish to give more towards.

8. And finally, what does success look like to you? Work, play, or otherwise…
Smiling when someone asks what you do.


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