After an unpredictable year, Make Lemonade founder Rachel Kelly wanted to start 2021 with an extra jolt of energy to help people reach their goals.
Kelly started Make Lemonade in 2017 to create a community for women in business. However, what started out as an IRL co-working space where women-identified freelancers, entrepreneurs and small business owners could collaborate, quickly transitioned to URL-mode in March when COVID-19 restrictions began in Canada.
Since then, Rachel and her small but mighty team have been working on ways to bring the same sense of community and collaborative energy into people’s lives without being able to come together in a physical space. Enter: the Get Sh*t Done Club. Daily accountability calls, brainstorming sessions, virtual mixers and Slack channels are all part of the package when you subscribe to Make Lemonade’s online hub.
But with 2021 already underway, Kelly wanted to go one step further in her online offering. She decided to put her entrepreneurial spirit and expertise to good use by hosting her first-ever workshop taking place on Tuesday, January 12 at 6:00 pm EST.
Here’s everything you need to know before you sign up for the FREE workshop:
Who should attend the workshop?
“Entrepreneurs and pre-entrepreneurs. People who are dreaming about an idea or working on a side hustle and looking for a little bit of inspiration, motivation and a framework,” says Kelly. If you have big dreams and are tired of going December after December without accomplishing the goals you set out to do: this is for you. She’s sharing her Get Sh*t Done framework, which is something the lemons (the endearing name Kelly has given her Make Lemonade members) use all the time.
This is also for people who have dealt with imposter syndrome and self-doubt. “I talk about some awesome tips on how to kick imposter syndrome’s butt so you can get crystal clear on what you want to do.”
What should people expect?
In true Make Lemonade fashion, attendees can expect extreme levels of positivity and a lot of energy. If you’re looking for an extra dose of sunshine on a weeknight, definitely join in.
How do you make the most out of a virtual event?
Just like other small businesses, the virtual shift wasn’t exactly simple for the Make Lemonade team. “It’s also really pushed us to go outside of our comfort zones and expand our community and outreach,” says Kelly. Before COVID-19, Kelly says she would often get emails asking when they were going to open in other cities, so now that they’re not bound by brick and mortar, everyone can “drink the lemonade.”
While many brands have found their groove when it comes to online offerings, many are still asking themselves how they can engage people through a screen.
Greeting people is an important part of virtual gatherings in Kelly’s option. “If you’re not saying hi to people who are joining the call, what would that be like if it was in real life?” Kelly asks. “People are coming into a room and nobody’s saying anything to anyone.” It’s awkward, to say the least. It’s a way to make it feel personal and break the ice at the beginning of a workshop, event or meeting.
Another pro tip from Kelly? Music. “It’s such a simple feature that a lot of people don’t know about,” she says. “When you share your screen you can also share your computer sounds.” In fact, every Make Lemonade call starts with a song to get people pumped. Lizzo and Celine Dion are a couple of community favourites.
What’s your advice for entrepreneurs and founders for 2021?
“There is such an unknown of how this year is going to be, but imagine the possibility that things go your way. Imagine that,” Kelly says. On top of that, Kelly also reminds everyone to spend time doing the things that bring them joy, beyond business. “Answering that one extra email or refining that one thing one more time, is it more important than stuff that’s going to fill you up?”
If you want more motivation and goal getting tips, you’ll have to tune in to the workshop tomorrow evening. If you’re still asking yourself why you should attend this workshop, Kelly’s answer is simple: why not? “It’s one hour of your life that could change the trajectory of your career or even your life, if I may be so bold.” There’s magic in connecting in real life — we all miss that — and this is the next best thing.
There’s still space to join in on the fun. Sign up here to take the first step in achieving your 2021 goals.