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A Crash Course in Tiki Bars

We hate to remind you, but “Winter is Coming.” It’s time to put away those foolish thoughts of patio drinks and white wines for another year and turn our attention inside. While this may sound all doom and gloom, we wouldn’t hit you with winter unless we had a backup plan

It’s time to turn up the heat, break out the pineapple juice, and show people how tropical mixology is done.

And to help you warm up to the idea of snow and cold weather coming your way, Vine Styles is throwing a tiki party with a twist on November 4th.

But even before you head there we’ve decided to get you in the mood for fruity drinks and island music with a crash course on this exotic niche of cocktail culture.

After all, there ain’t no party like a tiki bar party – especially one with a twist.  

1. While these cocktails are always pleasing to the eye, the key to making a good cocktail is keeping it simple. And when we say simple we mean at least two fingers worth of rum. 

2. To be considered a legitimate tiki bar, you have to be located on a street with at least 2 pawn shops, a dollar store, and guy who offers to keep an eye on your car for a few of your cigarettes.

Kensington Road NW isn’t exactly an unsavoury neighbourhood but has its share of unconventional shops. Just across the street from the wine shop you have the adult shop A Little More Interesting, a Rollerblade shop, and Original Joes. It’s kind of the same right? 

3. Your drink must have at least one umbrella in it.

4. Your drink has at least half of your daily requirement for vitamin C in the form of a pineapple, orange wedge, or some other form of exotic fruit.

A maraschino cherry doesn’t count.

5. There are only 12 seats in most authentic tiki bars.

Vine Styles has 20 seats (which makes them a little bit more accommodating).

6. There’s a swordfish hanging somewhere on the wall.  

You won’t find a swordfish but if you visit the shop this week you might notice a skeleton prominently displayed with the gluten free beers for Halloween. Good enough for us.

7. You can only consume 2 of these drinks before losing your wallet and keys.

8. It’s not considered girly to order a Singapore Sling or Pina Colada.

9. Jimmy Buffet is on the playlist. Always.

We can say with 100 percent certainty there will be no Jimmy Buffet at this party. The staff has given us their word.

10. Blue Curacao liqueur is a staple ingredient in most drinks.


Luckily, in an effort to introduce some better ingredients into your drink, Vine Styles won’t be adding any blue syrups into  your drink on Tuesday. 

Like we said, there won’t be any swordfish on the wall at Vine Styles but if you want to spend one of your first (of many) nights indoors this year enjoying a few bevies, listening to some tropical tunes, and taking home a few cool new recipes to try at home with friends then you should probably pick up a ticket now. 


Cover image from: Forbidden Island Tiki Lounge

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