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The Pursuit of Happiness: Scientific Facts to Fuel Your Happiness

“Hi, how are you?”

“Good thanks, you?”


How many times a day are you a part of this conversation? More importantly, how many times do you actually mean it when you say ‘Good’, or ‘Great’, or ‘Fine’?



In our driven millennial lives it’s not hard to end up on auto-pilot. Whether it’s constantly being distracted by our phones (you’re probably reading this on yours right now), the desire to always get ahead professionally, the demand to be social media perfect, or the consequences of not bringing your A-game every single day, the pressure to be present is harder than ever.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Thanks to some much-needed inspiration from lululemon, we’ve put together a series of articles that are going to help millennials learn how to live in their fast-paced world and be a part of it in a way that makes them truly happy.

Like, wtf-I-can’t-believe-I-wasn’t-doing-this-before happy.

And here’s the thing, happiness is a state of mind – a choice. And no, we don’t mean that in some hippy-dippy the universe loves you kind of way. We mean it in the scientific fact kind of way.

So over the next month we’re going to take you through research based and scientifically proven methods that will help you explore meditation, living with purpose, taking pleasure seriously, and many other elements that will help you find your own inner happiness.

Just as our own Founder, Julian Brass, spent years searching to find his own personal balance, we want to help you find yours (only even faster!). The importance of this journey will help you lead a much more well-rounded and fulfilling life, one that offers a poise you previously never thought possible.

It’s about gratitude and goals, kindness and connection.

It’s about you.

Remember, your mind is a muscle. And it’s time to start flexing.

Get started today with a few quick tips courtesy our friends at Lululemon and we’ll see you back here next week with an introduction to the benefits of bringing meditation and gratitude into your life.

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Notable Life

Canada’s leading online publication for driven young professionals & culture generators.