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9 Reasons To Get Pumped About Snow

We all know it’s coming, so why not find a way to get excited about it? If you’re feeling bummed about that inevitable first snowfall, check out our 9 notable reasons to get pumped instead. ‘Cause the thing about inevitability (much like the fluffy white stuff in Canada) is that it always ends up arriving

We all know it’s coming. And if it hasn’t already made its way to you, consider yourself very lucky.

But instead of pouting in the face of inevitability, we suggest you get pumped instead.   

‘Cause with everything from rosy cheeks and trendy toques to fun ski trips and flirty snowball fights coming your way, there are a ton of reasons to get excited about snow. In fact, here are nine of our favourite reasons for staying positive about the next snowfall.

1. It’s Gorgeous
Autumn colours are undeniably pretty, but those red and orange leaves are all but brown and on the ground by now. A fresh blanket of glowing white snow is a welcomed way to brighten and revitalize what would otherwise be a disgustingly grey and barren landscape.

2. It’s Fun
If you’re lucky enough to live in a region with any kind of elevation, then you know that snow = damn good times. Whether you’re a skier, boarder, or even a tobogganner, it’s time to get seriously excited. (And for those on the prairies, at least it’s snowmobile season…)

3. It’s Even More Fun
We all know that half the fun of snow peak sports is what comes afterwards, aka, the Après Ski. Those hot toddies by the warm fireside, or cool brewskis on the sunny mountainside, feel particularly well deserved after a day on the slopes. 

4. It’s Adorable
Anyone who has ever watched a child or pet experience snow for the very first time knows that there are few things quite as adorable. No matter how ice-cold your winter-hating heart may be, you just watch a baby feel that first snowflake on his nose, or a puppy bouncing around in it for the first time, and try denying those warm and fuzzies.

5. It’s a Good Workout
It turns out shoveling can be a good thing. Though the strenuous task tends to get a bad wrap, when done in good form shoveling can be a stellar workout. And there’s not much out there that can deliver a feeling of accomplishment quite like looking at a perfectly cleared walkway or parking spot after a snowstorm. Take that, mother nature.

6. It’s Romantic
Nothing compels a warm and romantic cuddle quite like a cold, snowy evening. And nothing sets up a sexy encounter quite like rosy red cheeks and sparkling white snow in the moonlight. There’s just something about Canadians that makes us want to come together in the cold. It’s probably a survival thing, but let’s not ruin the mood…

7. It’s Fashionable
From fuzzy pompom-ed toques to snuggly warm mittens, cozy sweaters, and, of course, boots with the (faux) fur, young professionals love indulging in the classic comfy trends of the snowy season.

8. It’s Soft
Mother Earth knew just what she was doing when she paired up snow and ice. Sure, she likes to throw a few slippery challenges our way this time of year, but she also gives us a nice fluffy place to fall. Ain’t she sweet.

9. It Means Holidays are Coming
If nothing else, the arrival of snow means the countdown to winter holidays is on…and no one can complain about a few days off. Ever.


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