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9 Reasons to Finally Take Up Skiing

Just because a three-year-old outdid you on the bunny hill that one time you tried to ski doesn’t mean you should swear yourself off the slopes for good. (Even if you did run into said three-year-old). There are many reasons you want to consider taking up skiing this winter – and here are just 9 of them

It’s time to learn. 

‘Cause if you live in Canada and you don’t ski, winter’s going to seem even longer than the forever it is.

So embrace being the oldest person on the bunny hill, throw on some 80s Descente gear, and take over everything après. 

This year, it’s going to be your winter.  

1. It’s a Good Investment in the Future
Learning how to ski now will not only pay off now, but in the future as well. If your future athletically-inclined children want to ski, you’ll be able to teach them without breaking your leg in the process. Not to mention, if you’re single, both the chairlift and the après ski bar offer as good an opportunity as any to meet your future co-parent of said skiing child. 

2. It’s More Fun Than the Gym
Skiing is a great workout, and more fun than going to the gym. It targets stomach muscles, your glutes, hamstrings, and quads, all while giving you a pretty decent cardio workout at the same time – whether you’re racing down the hill or climbing up it to retrieve your skis.

3. We Can Practically Ski in Our Own Backyard
Sure, most of us live right in the heart of our respective Canadian cities. But we all have ski hills just hours within reach by car. The easier it is to do (meaning, you don’t have to hop on a plane), the more often you should go. It definitely beats errands in the city.

4. It Makes for a Perfect Road Trip Excuse
With the ski hills and bustling après-ski scene just a short(ish) drive away, skiing makes the perfect excuse for a weekend road trip. And we really need to stop giving up on weekends away so easily after Labour Day.

5. It Offers a Good Bonding Experience
Skiing offers a great chance to bond with coworkers, friends, and your future family. It’s more wholesome than a marathon bar session…but can still involve a cocktail or two if you’d like. Not to mention, there’s something about the peaceful motion of the chairlift and calming scenery that invites some of the most memorable conversations.

6. It’s a Good Reason to Venture Outdoors in the Winter
With Netflix, ample food delivery options, underground pathways, and the option to work from home, the term “fresh air” leaves the vocabulary of most of us come the winter months. We swap the bus for the cab, the walk for the gym, and fresh air for recycled heat. Skiing offers the chance to take in actual air (gasp!) for a prolonged period of time without getting too cold.

7. It Can Relieve Stress
It’s not new knowledge that physical activity reduces stress and anxiety with its release of endorphins. While skiing definitely gets your heart pumping, the scenery and sunshine also have a calming effect. Plus, you’re likely (aka: should be) to be present and in the moment while whizzing down the hill, with all your work stress and personal worries miles away.   

8. There’s No Better Time to Sip a Hot Chocolate
Is it just us, or isn’t hot chocolate one of those things that you need to be in the right place and mood for? If there was ever a time to appreciate the rich, warm goodness that is a hot chocolate (complete with a mountain of gooey marshmallows), it’s while your cheeks are still red after your last great run on the hill.

9. Après Ski
From the relaxed vibe to the fashion (or lack thereof), the après ski scene is just as fun as the skiing itself. It offers a chance to shamelessly indulge in a few beers or cocktails and eat some pub grub without feeling guilty about it – you’ve been working out all day. Not to mention, one or two personal and professional connections have been known to happen in snow pants over Caesars.


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