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8 Reasons Why Musicians Are the Sexiest Guys Ever

The sight of a guy with a guitar in hand does the same thing to us that a Ferrari does to a seasoned gold digger. If they can also sing, well, they barely even have to fill any other criteria in our books. Here are eight reasons why guys who sing and play the guitar (and any musician) are the sexiest

The sight of a guy with a guitar in hand does the same thing to us that a Ferrari does to a seasoned gold digger. If they can also sing, well, they barely even have to fill any other criteria in our books. Here are right reasons why guys who sing and play the guitar (and any musician) are the sexiest…

They are passionate as hell
A guy who can sing and play the guitar will always have our heart. The reason? The raw, uninhibited passion that resonates through them when they perform, lost in the music and their own world.  With that kind of passion, you just know it means they are going to be able to actually love hard, feel deeply… and be mind-blowing in bed.

They affect us (and every one else who listens)
Musicians speak a universal language that affects us all. Sometimes when you hear a particular song, you are immediately transported back in time and can clearly remember how you were feeling and what you were doing at that particular moment or point in life – whether it was that summer you feel in love for the first time or that epic road trip. All a musician needs to do is play a favourite or nostalgic song and we are instantly smitten.


They are crowd-pleasers
Speaking of affecting us, a guy who sings and plays the guitar offers so much more than the wisecracking guy at a dinner party (though we are sure we would like him too). Think about it: that guy with the guitar is always the most popular guy at the cottage or at the beach bonfire, with the presence of a guitar as appreciated as a case of beer.

They don’t have to shave every day
From sexy stubble to full-on beard, the whole facial hair element is another reason we gravitate towards musicians. Why? Stubble screams uninhibited, low-maintenance (we have dated guys in the past who have taken longer than us to get ready in the morning), and also reminds us of being on vacation.

They can get away with more
From wearing hats in restaurants and spending a Monday in the park or at the beach to trashing hotel rooms (OK, we are kidding about that one), musicians seem to get away with a little more than the average dude. In their company, you too inevitably tap into your free-spirited, wild child ways – which is so much more fun than a stuffy dinner at an overpriced restaurant.


They look sexier in a suit than a businessman  
Because they do not wear a suit every day, when a musician puts on a suit it has so much more of a #handsoming effect (and makes you want to take it off right away). By contrast, a clean-shaven, suit-wearing guy can’t always pull off the hipster, West Coast cool look on the weekends without looking like they tried way too hard.

They don’t care if you’re not perfectly polished
Sure, they appreciate it (and will tell you how great you look) when you go all out in terms of hair, makeup and the whole nine yards, but a musician dude likes you just as much fresh-faced, t-shirt-wearing and with a messy top bun. And that’s just fine with us. 

They are hard to come by
Designer suit-wearing, Rolex-sporting guys are a dime a dozen. Been there, done that. But musicians are more difficult to come by. Their rareness makes them all the hotter. So, if you can find one, we recommend going for it. Take it from us.


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